harbar.net component based software & platform hygiene

Yup, we're doing a SharePoint WCM book!

Print | posted on Wednesday, September 05, 2007 12:32 PM

As you've probably already seen (Amazon and Stefan let the cat out of the bag) I'm working on a SharePoint WCM book with my buddy and fellow WCM head, Andrew Connell. The book will be all about developing Publishing sites with MOSS. It's a developer book. It will be published by WROX.

The response to this news has been numerous questions, so we decided to post some early clarification.

We deliberately kept this under wraps, not because it's any big secret but because we are still writing it (!)and many things (such as the title and the content) may change.

Once we are happy with things we will post more details including the TOC and abstracts. Please hold fire with questions until then! :)

If you like, you can go pre-order the book over on Amazon, we are shooting for publication early next year.