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Print | posted on Friday, September 28, 2007 12:16 AM

Ted Pattison is blogging again.

You may remember Ted - simply the man in the old world of VB COM, MTS, COM+ distributed app and just plain sense application development (I'm pretty sure he never touched VB6's WebClasses :)). He wrote books that clearly articulated MTS - even to VB types :) He is really an exceptionally articulate man. Ted was somewhat of a role model if you like WRT his training and writing.

Not only were his books on the money technically - he could actually write - compelling - with a strong story to tell - and with proper English and all that :)

Ted saw the light a ways back and now focuses on SharePoint - he co-wrote the fantastic Inside WSS (with Dan Larson - who's blog you should also be checking out). He blogged for a bit over at PluralSight, but now he has his act together over at http://blog.tedpattison.net/. Go subscribe.