harbar.net component based software & platform hygiene

SharePoint Best Practices Conference

Print | posted on Thursday, July 24, 2008 1:03 PM

September 15th - 17th, Washington, DC.

I'm pleased to be presenting a couple sessions at the SharePoint Best Practices Conference this September in Washington, DC. I hope to see some of you there. For more information, please check out the conference web site at http://www.sharepointbestpractices.com/.

It promises to be a great event with some great speakers and excellent material from the real world of SharePoint deployments - not much marketing spin here is what I'm saying :). If you register before August 1st, you'll also get a copy of the recently released MS Press book, SharePoint Best Practices.

My sessions are:

Mythbusters - Debunking Server Farm Myths
(ITP305, CIO305, PM305, IA305)

This highly interactive, whiteboard session will dive into common SharePoint Farm Myths and discuss common misconceptions around Global Deployments, Farm Topologies, Shared Service Providers, High Availability, Security and more. Alongside best practices for each "myth", the SharePoint "magic numbers" will be covered and there will be plenty of scope to discuss any particular queries you may have on farm deployment. 

Global Taxonomies with Office SharePoint Server
(ITP317, IA317)

Large enterprises often require the ability to manage their taxonomy and metadata "globally" across their MOSS deployments, and the inherent architecture of SharePoint presents some significant barriers to implementing such a solution in a manner that can scale to the enterprise. This session dives into approaches which address this conundrum along with a number of best practices for bridging the gap between a global taxonomy and the restrictions imposed by SharePoint Site Collections.