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What Every SharePoint Admin Needs to Know About Host Named Site Collections

Print | posted on Wednesday, March 28, 2012 6:55 PM

My buddy and all round decent bloke, Kirk Evans, a PFE from Texas way has put together a great blog post on Host Named Site Collections (HNSC) in SharePoint 2010. This should be considered essential reading for SharePoint infrastructure types (IT Pros as Microsoft so offensively buckets them :)).

HNSC are often referred to as Host header site collections, and are greatly misunderstood by the field at large. Indeed some SharePoint “experts” have recently made some rather silly statements about them, suggesting they should be avoided.

Admittedly many moons ago there were statements about that from Microsoft but they referred explicitly to the associated feature “User Account Creation Mode”, and not HNSC, which are alive and well. Indeed HNSC are a fundamental design consideration for *every* SharePoint deployment.

Go check out Kirk’s write up…

What Every SharePoint Admin Needs to Know About Host Named Site Collections

